Think Construction and Heavy Equipments. Think Euro Tools.
The leading name in Nigeria for the provision of heavy duty machines that serves several purposes in the Construction Marine and Agro industries. We provide quality based product to our customers with warranty, When your choice is a well built engineering hardware welding power tools and construction equipment your one-stop place.
Power Tools
Portable power tools are designed for a wide variety of uses. Circular saws, jigsaws, drills, hammer-drills, sanders, grinders, routers and numerous other power tools, save time and effort on the job. The increased use of power tools heightens the need for awareness of the hazards they present if not operated properly.
Construction Equipment
High quality (used) heavy machinery and construction equipment. We sell machines from major brands like Caterpillar, Hitachi and Topmac, Hancha, Europec
Agro Technology
We're providing the next generation of smart agriculture equipment, enabling a world in which every plant counts. We are breaking traditional stereotypes for increasing agricultural productivity by bringing tech & mechanization for the farming community in Africa.